Online Trainings
Are you interested in further educating your family aside from our direct therapy services?
If so, we offer online training videos for purchase that will help guide you in your child’s speech journey. These trainings have proven success, just hear from one of our parents on how these trainings helped her family:
“As a new mom with few role parenting role models, I felt lost in the world of motherhood... Until I met Denise. I brought my daughter to Denise for speech therapy, and quickly realized that she was coaching me too. Soon after my daughter graduated from speech therapy, I asked Denise for parenting sessions. I learned several approaches to managing tantrums, techniques to resolve conflict, and ways to plan (and stick to) routines. I learned the importance of providing consistency, setting household rules and sticking to them, without feeling authoritarian in nature. The tactics worked almost immediately. My anxiety improved around parenting and I feel more confident creating structure for my daughter.” - T.S.